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Lavender Essential Oil Organic 30ml

Lavender is the most used and talked about of all essential oils. It is an excellent skin rejuvenator, is antiseptic and used for the benefit of all skin types. It is useful for insect bites and stings and is a must for travel and holidays. This versatile oil is balancing, soothing, restful, calming and blends well with all other essential oils. It has a sweet and slightly heady aroma.

Club Price: £8.91

Natural by Nature Organic Lavender Oil is an excellent skin rejuvenator. Good for inflammation, dermatitis, eczema, insect bites and minor burns. It has a fresh sweet floral aroma that can help calm nervous disorders such as insomnia, migraine and nervous tension. Better aids a peaceful night’s sleep and alleviates headaches, the most effective treatment for headaches is combing it with peppermint oil.

Lavender Oil blends well with many other essential oils including cedarwood, pine, clary sage, geranium, and nutmeg. Can be used for sleep disturbances by sprinkling a few drops onto the pillow or by vapourising in the room prior to going to bed. Lavender oil should not be taken internally.

Benefits of Organic Lavender Oil:

– Relieves aching muscles and stress
– Massaged into skin for joint pain relief and skin conditions
– Alleviates headaches
– Keeps hair healthy
– A calming sleeping aid

This is an ambient product that can be stored at room temperature before opening. See packaging for further storage guidance if applicable.
These product details have been prepared for information purposes only. We believe they are accurate but please do not use this information as a substitute for reading the product packaging and label prior to use. The Ethical Food Club is unable to accept liability for any incorrect information. For full details of our product disclaimer see our Terms & Conditions.
100% Pure Organic Lavender Oil


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Order Deadline:

Friday 8th September
Friday 6th October
Friday 3rd November
Friday 8th December

Order Delivery:

Monday 11th September
Monday 9th October
Monday 6th November
Monday 11th December